Kinaesthetic Learning
Ages 8-11, 2025-26 Program
Our workshop series run in a three year cycle, so that means you have up to six years of new material.
(Between our older and younger classes.)
History Plus: Geography! is a fun, interactive introduction to cultures and regions around the world, aimed at the 8-11 age group.
Join your intrepid guide on a journey to every corner of the world, from the lush jungles of South America, to the arid heat of Africa, to the bitter cold of Antarctica to learn about these far reaches of the globe and the amazing cultures that call them home.
The journey begins with a world overview of continents and oceans, then launches into a close-up look at every continent, and concludes with special focuses on Canada.
As with all of our workshop series, our geography series uses engaging teaching, activities, crafts, and games to captivate and teach, while instilling a love of learning. Activities and content are aimed at 8-11 year olds, consisting of 9, half-day workshops throughout the school year. (Once a month, Sept. to May.)
Monthly Topics: (In order)
World Overview (Sept.)
Asia (Oct.)
Africa (Nov.)
Europe (Dec.)
Antarctica (Jan.)
North America (Feb.)
South America (Mar.)
Oceania (Apr.)
Canada (May)
Ages 12 and Up, 2025-26 Program
Our workshop series run in a three year cycle, so that means you have up to six years of new material.
(Between our older and younger classes.)
Our flagship workshop series History Plus! invites you on a journey through the ages over the span of the school year.
Unearth ancient Egypt with famed explorer Howard Carter and uncover the secrets of King Tut's tomb!
Sail the seas and discover new lands in the age of exploration with Sir Francis Drake!
Live with the great thinkers of the Renaissance and start a cultural revolution!
Every workshop consists of dramatic teaching of a specific era, engaging activities, interactive acting experiences, and an optional list of resources for further study at home.
This workshop series is suitable for ages 12 and up, and the older the student, the more they get out of the program!
As with all of our workshop series, it consists of 9, half-day workshops. (Once a month, Sept. to May.)
Monthly Topics: (In order)
Ancient Egypt (Sept.)
Ancient Greece (Oct.)
Ancient Rome (Nov.)
Middle Ages (Dec.)
Renaissance (Jan.)
Age of Exploration (Feb.)
Age of Colonization (Mar.)
!800s/Industrial Revolution (Apr.)
Modern Era (May)